Scholarship Fund
Supporting Our Next Generation Into A Higher Education.

Scholarship Fund
The UGWA Scholarship Fund is made available to assist and encourage the education of qualified active UGWA members, their spouse, children, or grandchildren.
Donations from our members and the Mountain States Ground Water Association fund this scholarship program. Our members enthusiastically support the fundraising auction held at the Annual UGWA Conference & Expo & all proceeds benefit this program.

2024 Scholarship Winners!

Seth Dunn son of Jeffrey Dunn
Zane Dunn son of Jeffrey Dunn
Theodore Johnson son of Matt Johnson
Jessica Lamb daughter of Jason Lamb
Natalie Lamb daughter of Jason Lamb
Caiya Miller granddaughter of Conrad Miller
Camry Mittchell daughter of Chris Mitchell
Camilla Houser daughter of Rollin Moore
Maxwell Pollard grandson of Paul Nordhoff
Nicolle Nordhoff daughter of Shawn Nordhoff
Katherine Jones granddaughter of Kyle Widdison
Scholarship Fund Eligibility and Rules
- An active UGWA member, their spouse, child or grandchild;
- And the sponsoring UGWA member has been in good standing for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years before application;
- And a student who is currently enrolled in a full-time course of study at an accredited two or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school;
- And who is accepted by that institution during the year which the scholarship is given;
- And have completed the Association’s scholarship application with required supporting documentation;
- And the complete application is postmarked by June 15 of each calendar year in which scholarships are awarded;
- And have not previously received four scholarships from this fund.
You must submit all information in the format you feel will best show your achievements and accomplishments during your academic career. Scholarship selection will be based on the following information submitted for review:
- Fully Completed UGWA Scholarship Application Cover Sheet;
- Academic Record/Grade Transcripts for the most recent school year;
- Minimum of 3 Current (6 months or less) Written Recommendations from Teachers, Advisers, etc.; Each must be on seperate papers and signed.
- Proof of current enrolled in a full-time course of study at an accredited two or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school;
- Application Essay which will include:
- Extracurricular Activities
- Leadership Experience:
- Community Service
- Educational and Career Goals;
- Work Experience and History.
SCHOLARSHIP AWARD The scholarship award will be in the amount of $2,000. The number of awards will be based upon the funds available in the Association’s Scholarship Fund. The UGWA will make every effort to pay all eligible applicants. However, in the event the number of applicants exceeds the available funds, scholarship awards will be based on upon the merit of the applicant, and the selection process will be made by an independent auditor such as the Salt Lake Community College, Office of Financial Aid.
All awards will be made by check payable jointly to the student and the sponsoring member and must be endorsed by both. A maximum of 4 annual scholarships are available to any one applicant unless the applicant is obtaining an advanced degree or furthering their education in a related field to the association at which time they may receive a scholarship for an additional two years, not to exceed a maximum of 6 years total.
DEFERRAL If community/civil service prevents an applicant from timely applying for a current school year, consideration may be given for a future year’s scholarship. The applicant must submit a request and explanation for deferred consideration, along with any supporting documentation, with their completed application. Deferral requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis by the current sitting UGWA Board.
Utah Ground Water Association
11730 E 14450 N
Mount Pleasant UT 84647
or Email
DEADLINE All applications must be Postmarked no later than June 15th. Incomplete applications will not be considered. All submittals will be confidential. No UGWA members will be directly involved in the selection process.
NOTE If selected, you will be asked to provide: applicant’s date of birth, social security number, and a 4x6 photograph before the receipt of funds are given.